

Dried Blood: A Powerful Fertilizer! Best Practices for Usage and Dosage

GardenBy Jul 02, 2024

Dried Blood: A Powerful Fertilizer! Gardening enthusiasts are always on the lookout for effective and sustainable fertilizers to nourish their plants and promote healthy growth. One such fertilizer that deserves attention is dried blood. Derived from animal sources, dried blood is an organic and nutrient-rich fertilizer that can provide a significant boost to your plants. What is Dried Blood Fertilizer?…

The Mistle Thrush: A Small Bird with a Big Personality

GardenBy Jul 01, 2024

About the Mistle Thrush The Mistle Thrush, also known as the Turdus viscivorus, is a small bird that belongs to the thrush family. Despite its modest size, this bird has a captivating personality that sets it apart from its counterparts. With its distinctive appearance and unique behaviors, the Mistle Thrush is truly a remarkable creature to observe. Appearance and Characteristics…

Moon Gardening Calendar – July 2024

GardenBy Jun 30, 2024

Moon Gardening Calendar – July 2024 The month of July is a time of abundance in the garden, with the heat of summer in full swing and an explosion of vibrant flowers and bountiful harvests from the vegetable garden. To ensure that your garden reaches its peak, it’s important to pay attention to the moon phases and align your gardening…

The Fascinating Hoopoe (Upupa epops), a Beautifully Colored Bird

GardenBy Jun 29, 2024

The Fascinating Hoopoe (Upupa epops), a Beautifully Colored Bird The Hoopoe (Upupa epops) is a stunningly colorful bird with its reddish-brown plumage and black and white stripes. This bird belongs to the hoopoe family and visits France from April to September before migrating to Africa for the winter. Its most distinguishing feature is the rufous crest on its head, which…

Everything You Need to Know About Pruning Apricot Trees: Timing and Techniques

GardenBy Jun 28, 2024

Timing and Techniques for Pruning Apricot Trees Apricot trees, scientifically known as Prunus armeniaca, are unique among fruit trees in that they don’t require much pruning to produce fruit. However, strategic pruning can help improve the overall health and productivity of apricot trees. In this article, we will explore the best timing and techniques for pruning apricot trees. When to…

Unlocking the Power of Guano as a Nitrogen-Rich Organic Fertilizer: A Guide to Usage

GardenBy Jun 27, 2024

What is Guano? Guano is a type of organic fertilizer that belongs to the category of fertilizers derived from animal or plant materials. Unlike mineral or chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizers like guano are derived from natural substances and have not undergone significant chemical transformations. Guano is specifically used to enrich the soil with essential nutrients and improve its structure. Types…

How and when to prune a plum tree

GardenBy Jun 26, 2024

One of the key factors in ensuring a productive plum tree is proper pruning. Pruning helps to promote air circulation and sunlight penetration, which are essential for the tree’s overall health and fruit production. This article will provide clear and practical guidance on how and when to prune a plum tree, allowing you to maintain a healthy and fruitful tree…

Fragrant Flowered Rush, an Aquatic Plant with Perfumed Blossoms

GardenBy Jun 25, 2024

Fragrant Flowered Rush: An Aquatic Plant with Perfumed Blossoms Fragrant Flowered Rush, scientifically known as Butomus umbellatus, is a captivating aquatic perennial plant that originates from Eurasia. It thrives naturally along the banks of slow-moving water bodies, in shallow stagnant waters or alkaline and nutrient-rich ditches. With its excellent cold hardiness (-15 to -17°C), Fragrant Flowered Rush can be cultivated…

Eurasian Siskin: The Social Bird of the Alders

GardenBy Jun 24, 2024

Eurasian Siskin: The Social Bird of the Alders The Eurasian Siskin (Spinus spinus) is a small passerine bird often observed in flocks. Known for its vibrant colors and acrobatic nature, this bird is a member of the Fringillidae family. Often mistaken for the Serin (Serinus serinus) due to their similar coloration, the Eurasian Siskin stands out with its yellow and…

The Eurasian nuthatch: A bird with the remarkable ability to walk upside down

GardenBy Jun 23, 2024

The Fascinating Abilities of the Eurasian Nuthatch The Eurasian nuthatch is a small passerine bird known for its remarkable ability to walk upside down. This unique skill sets it apart from other birds and makes it a fascinating creature to observe. Let’s take a closer look at the Eurasian nuthatch and its extraordinary capabilities. A Bird of Acrobatics The Eurasian…